The people of Belfast should make a special effort to support retailers, by shopping in Belfast City Centre this Saturday, according to NI Conservatives’ co-chair, Trevor Ringland.
“With the explosion at Victoria Square still fresh in people’s minds and with many pundits expecting the planned flags protest to put off customers, I for one will be making sure that I’m in the city centre this Saturday, giving retailers in Belfast the support they deserve”, Trevor said. “We have a great city, offering brilliant shops and services. I’d appeal to everyone in Belfast not to be put off availing of them and instead to make a special effort to get behind our shop-keepers and business owners this Saturday.”
“I believe that the people of Northern Ireland will sort out our problems together and we won’t be dragged back to the past, by fanatics such as the terrorists behind the Victoria Square attack. As for the flags demonstration, although I understand the issues behind it and respect the right of anyone to engage in peaceful protest, I don’t agree with the protestors’ strategy and I think it is hurting their cause, as well as damaging the city of Belfast."
“We need a more consistent approach from politicians and we certainly need to get behind struggling businesses, so that our differences of opinion over symbols don’t cause jobs to be lost. That will do no-one any good and it will not help us to build a shared and stable future."