Northern Ireland’s executive is allowing Northern Ireland’s economic recovery to slip behind the rest of the United Kingdom, according to NI Conservatives’ economy spokesman, Johnny Andrews.
“The latest figures show that unemployment is falling, but our job market is recovering more slowly than any other UK region”, Johnny explained. “We have the highest rates of economic inactivity and we have the highest percentage of people claiming jobless benefits, so the executive has absolutely no room for complacency. The Chancellor and the Conservative led government have managed to turn the economy around and Northern Ireland is benefiting from growth, but to keep up with the rest of the country, we need business friendly, jobs friendly policies from Stormont ministers.”
“Unfortunately their record is completely the opposite. They’ve failed to use powers to create enterprise zones, which could act as hubs to attract investment and create jobs. They’ve failed to exploit David Cameron’s offer to provide money for capital projects which are ready to start, which is holding back construction and preventing us from building, for example, more social housing. They’ve failed to make a credible start on combatting the divisions in society which put off investors and damage our economy.”
“The NI Conservatives are clear that the executive’s priorities should be jobs, jobs and, it bears repeating, more jobs. Let’s see enterprise zones, with rates relief for companies that export and special support for research and development. Let’s see the money which the government has made available to start building homes, roads, schools and hospitals put to use immediately. Let’s see employment law which helps create jobs rather than destroy them and let’s see action to create a stable, prosperous society. Northern Ireland can be a leader in the UK recovery, rather than the straggler being towed along in its wake, if the executive would only wake up and make creating jobs its top priority.”