NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has advised Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly to “dry his eyes”, after the MLA complained about the police’s conduct during an incident where he appeared to jump on to the front of a PSNI Land Rover.
“Mr Kelly seems to be intent on blowing this out of all proportion, despite serious questions about his own actions”, Trevor observed. “At this point we should be concentrating on commending all those who worked so hard to ensure that the parade on Friday evening passed off peacefully. Everyone who acted within the law, on either side of the divide, and those who upheld the law deserve recognition.”
“In contrast Gerry Kelly looks to be inflaming the situation. Once again there are serious questions to be asked about Sinn Féin’s commitment to the rule of law. Rather than showing genuine support for the police the party’s representatives constantly talk about holding the PSNI ‘to account’. From the footage it was clear that Mr Kelly’s conduct was arrogant and unhelpful to officers who were attempting to police a difficult situation.”
“Sinn Féin really has to look at its role in disputes like this. Are its representatives in the business of bringing people in this part of the world together, or driving them apart? Do they genuinely support the rule of law or are they only interested in confronting the police? Gerry Kelly’s actions on Friday evening and his subsequent attempt to blow a very minor incident into a major news story raise more questions for his party.”