The NI Conservatives do not believe that a forum which excludes large parts of the community in Northern Ireland is necessary or helpful.
Our place in the United Kingdom has never been more secure, as confirmed by the latest census results and countless opinion polls. The aim of pro-Union parties should be to attract the many new voters who want Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK and to represent everyone’s interests, rather than build a single, sectarian bloc, based on narrow ideas about culture or identity.
The Union Flag flies on public buildings only to affirm Northern Ireland’s constitutional position within the United Kingdom. Attempting to change that, as some nationalist parties have done, shows contempt for the principle of consent, which was an important part of the Good Friday Agreement.
By the same token, the Union Flag does not fly in order to assert the identity of one community in Northern Ireland. The protesters and political parties who act like it does are abusing the flag and damaging the Union. A forum which is based on this misunderstanding is doomed to failure.
The NI Conservatives believe that any forum which addresses issues around symbols, identity and voter engagement must be cross community, for the good of Northern Ireland and our place within the United Kingdom. It should examine:
- - Defining and building a meaningful shared future.
- - Creating jobs and a durable enterprise based economy.
- - Working to tackle deprivation and underachievement across all communities.
- - A protocol on flags and symbols which reflects Northern Ireland’s constitutional position.
- - Engaging with voters across the whole community.
- - Dealing with, and moving on from, our troubled past.
We believe that a Unionist Forum, of the type proposed, is a step backwards towards a divided past.
The NI Conservatives remain focused on a shared future. A lack of commitment, vision and leadership from the 5 Executive parties has so far failed to deliver on that aim, which can change Northern Ireland for everyone’s benefit.