NI Conservatives' chairman, Irwin Armstrong, has said Sammy Wilson 'must be delusional', after the finance minister claimed that Owen Paterson could not secure the devolution of powers to reduce Corporation Tax to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
"If Sammy Wilson really believes what he is saying, he's living in cloud cuckoo land", Irwin said. "If it weren't for the Secretary of State, the issue of cutting Corporation Tax would not even be on the table right now. Owen Paterson has worked consistently with fellow Conservatives in Northern Ireland and in London, with the business community and with colleagues in government, to make devolving these powers a realistic possibility."
"In contrast, Sammy Wilson has done everything in his power to pour cold water on the notion of a reduction. He has deliberately distorted the argument by claiming it would cost the Northern Irish economy money when it would not cost it one penny, he has questioned its efficacy against the overwhelming weight of expertise from economists and business organisations alike, and he has threatened to delay cutting Corporation Tax even if powers are devolved! In short, the finance minister has taken every opportunity not to give his full support to a measure with enormous potential to create jobs and growth in the Northern Ireland economy."
"The truth is that Sammy Wilson has never understood the economics of cutting Corporation Tax or been properly in favour of the measure. He doesn't appear to understand that the aim is creating jobs, rather than profits for so-called fat cats. He would rather people in Northern Ireland remain dependent on his Executive, rather than a buoyant, successful, private sector. And rather than be honest about his attempts to block Corporation Tax cuts, he prefers to issue personal attacks on Owen Paterson."
"At the last election the Conservative Party pledged to produce a government paper on the possibility of giving Northern Ireland a separate rate of Corporation Tax, in order to boost the private sector. As part of the coalition government it has kept that pledge and launched a consultation to examine the issues further. It has been Conservatives, local and national, who have driven efforts to grow the economy in conjunction with local business organisations."
"Progress has been in spite of naysayers like Sammy Wilson. It is the Secretary of State who understands the needs of business and the economics of creating jobs. It is Owen Paterson who is driving efforts to grow the private sector, while Mr Wilson persists in sniping from the sidelines and talking down the potential of the Northern Ireland economy."
"It is now all too apparent this is his latest attempt to scupper the real opportunity of creating jobs for local people and to retain the size of the civil service instead. He will come to realise very quickly this is not what the people of Northern Ireland want."