A member of North Down Conservative Association has been shortlisted for a nationwide honour for Conservative Party activists. Lloyd Burbidge, who lives in Bangor West and is vice chairman of the North Down Conservative Association, was nominated for the individual category of the Conservative National Excellence Awards.
The prizes will be handed out at a glittering ceremony at Westminster. One hundred invited guests will attend an awards reception, hosted by the Conservative Party co-chairmen, Baroness Warsi and Lord Feldman of Elstree, as well as Emma Pidding, new chair of the National Conservative Convention, Deputy Chairman of the Party Board and current President of the Northern Ireland Conservatives,
Lloyd and his part Liz White, will attend the ceremony, along with North Down Conservatives’ chairman, Paul Leeman.
“This is well-deserved recognition for Lloyd and a wonderful achievement for Conservatives in North Down too”, Paul explained. “Last year we opened up a full-time headquarters in Bangor and Lloyd put an enormous amount of work into the project, cleaning and decorating the premises himself. He and Liz have continued to do an awful lot to take care of the premises; cleaning, providing various supplies, emptying bins, doing odd-jobs and providing valuable support for the member of staff. Lloyd also acted as an agent at last year’s local elections and has been pivotal to the success of our association.”
Irwin Armstrong, chairman of the NI Conservatives, congratulated Lloyd on his short-listing. “These awards are UK wide and take in areas with enormous numbers of Conservative members. It is remarkable that an activist from Northern Ireland has been shortlisted and Lloyd certainly deserves this accolade, for all the hard work which he has done for the party.”
With characteristic modesty Lloyd commented, “I’m very excited and the nomination was completely unexpected. Though it’s recognition for the effort put in by the whole association and by the party in Northern Ireland, rather than simply a personal thing.”
The honour will be awarded to one of a shortlist of 5 nominees on May 21st.