Northern Ireland Conservatives’ chairman, Irwin Armstrong, described Gerry Adams as “completely out of touch with reality in Northern Ireland” after the Louth TD accused Owen Paterson of “dictating” to people here, when the Secretary of State dismissed the likelihood of an imminent border referendum.
“Since Gerry Adams chose to parachute into public life south of the border, he seems to have lost all grasp of political reality in Northern Ireland. The Louth TD’s claim that there is ‘growing support for a united Ireland’ in the current circumstances is beyond parody. Poll after poll demonstrates that a large and increasing majority, across all sections of the community, is quite happy with Northern Ireland’s position in the UK and wants our political representatives to get on with the important work of creating jobs and growing the economy.”
“Owen Paterson could not possibly countenance holding an expensive and divisive border referendum at a time when polls show that support for a united Ireland stands at 17% and shrinking. The Secretary of State is quite right to dismiss the option out of hand, particularly as the question has only arisen because of yet more political grand-standing from Sinn Féin.”
“What is more, during less than two years in office, Owen Paterson has consistently delivered for Northern Ireland, while Gerry Adams’ political legacy is simply destruction and division. The Secretary of State can point to a proud record of achievement from this government, where real issues are concerned: ensuring that APD is devolved, finding a solution to the PMS crisis, spearheading the push to grow the economy, saving the Coast Guard Station and providing £200 million extra for the security services.”
“In contrast Gerry Adams continues to play fantasy politics, pontificating about a united Ireland from his self-imposed political exile in the Republic. He has no regard for the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland, but is focussed entirely on pretending that Sinn Fein hasn't failed miserably in its key objective of advancing a united Ireland He needs to grow up and concentrate on delivering for his constituents in Louth.”