Stephen Hylands, the Northern Ireland Conservatives representative at the ‘Pride on the Hill’ debate at Stormont, criticised the DUP for failing to engage with the gay community.
“Yesterday’s event was organised as part of the Belfast Pride festival”, Stephen explained. “It’s a great opportunity for political parties to discuss issues with the LGBT community in Northern Ireland. Not only did the DUP fail to attend, but Jim Wills MLA, who was invited on its behalf, decided to issue a gratuitously offensive message describing the festival as ‘repugnant'."
“It just goes to show that while Peter Robinson might try to sell the notion that DUP has become inclusive and moderate, the same Jurassic attitudes lie just beneath the surface. It’s absolutely shameful that the largest party at Stormont treats a sizeable section of the community here with such blatant disrespect.”
“The DUP has a history of hate-filled remarks about gay people and its refusal to even engage with the community is as cowardly as it is prejudiced. In the Northern Ireland Conservatives we believe in respecting all sections of society, listening to everyone’s point of view and sharing our outlook with all prospective voters.”