NI Conservatives’ spokesman and serving officer, Mark Brotherston, today paid tribute to the “brave servicemen and women, many from Northern Ireland, who served their country in Afghanistan over the past 13 years”.
“As the UK’s mission in Afghanistan ends officially, it’s a good time to reflect on the bravery and commitment of all the men and women who served there”, Mark observed. “Over 450 British servicemen and women, at least 9 of them from Northern Ireland, were killed during 13 years of conflict. The forthcoming season of Remembrance will be particularly poignant this year, as we think about their sacrifice.”
“Those men and women gave their lives to secure rights and freedoms for the Afghan people. That was the spirit in which all of the British forces served and we are extremely proud of them. They brought hope and the possibility of a better future to Afghanistan through their bravery and dedication.”