The Ulster Unionists “capitulation” to the DUP “is now almost complete”, according to local Conservatives’ economy spokesman, Johnny Andrews. Johnny made his comments after UUP party leader, Mike Nesbitt, used an interview in the News Letter to appeal to Peter Robinson for a pact at the forthcoming General Election.
“Mike Nesbitt has confirmed that the UUP is looking for an electoral pact with the DUP, which kills completely any notion that there remain significant differences between the two parties”, Johnny remarked. “Ulster Unionists had already compromised the idea that they stand for everyone who supports the Union, by forming a pan-loyalist front with the DUP and parties linked to terror groups, as part of their so-called ‘graduated response’. This latest interview will appal UUP members and supporters who want their party to promote our place in the UK to people from right across the community.”
“It’s clear that under Mike Nesbitt the Ulster Unionists have become practically indistinguishable from the DUP and they’re on the brink of climbing into bed together electorally. The DUP has been playing the ‘unionist unity’ card to undermine rival parties for many years and it seems that the UUP has now capitulated almost completely. Conservatives in Northern Ireland are unambiguous that the Union cannot be promoted by a retreat into tribal politics, or electoral pacts based on sectarian voting blocs. It is particularly sad to see that the UUP, after telling voters it wanted to give them a say in national politics at the last General Election, has been taken down such a dead-end route by its current leaders.”