Conservative Party spokesman, Mark Brotherston, has reminded participants that “the internal political arrangements in Northern Ireland are a matter for the British government and local political parties to decide”, ahead of all-party talks on contentious issues, to be convened by Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers.
“The issues which will be discussed during these talks fall squarely under ‘Strand 1’ of the Good Friday Agreement, which ensures that matters internal to Northern Ireland are the responsibility of the government at Westminster and local representatives”, Mark emphasised. “I’m sure that governments both in Dublin and Washington will give that aspect of the process their full support. It’s important that parameters for these talks are established and respected, before they begin.”
“Conservatives in Northern Ireland are appalled that the Stormont parties have been unable to resolve their own problems themselves. Their failures to stick to a budget or agree a way forward on welfare are failures to carry out fundamental aspects of government. The current crop of politicians at Stormont are letting people in Northern Ireland down badly.”
“During these talks, parties should aim to address basic problems with the devolved institutions, rather than just cobble together a face saving deal which will lead to another crisis somewhere down the road. It’s also important that all the participants understand that this is a ‘Strand 1’ process and don’t attempt to confuse the situation for party political purposes.”