Regional Development Minister, Danny Kennedy, mustn’t “target private sector workers”, as his department looks to make cuts following the Executive’s deal on a new budget, according to NI Conservatives’ economy spokesman, Johnny Andrews.
“The default option for ministers in the Stormont Executive seems to be to kick the private sector, when they are forced to make savings”, Johnny noted. “So Danny Kennedy has threatened to start cutting spending in his department by targeting private contractors who repair street lights or potholes and cut grass.”
“His strategy makes no sense. Northern Ireland badly needs to grow the private sector and make its public sector more efficient, in order to build a successful, sustainable economy, into the future. That means Mr Kennedy should start making his department more efficient, cut waste and look at how better services can be provided for lower cost.”
“The minister’s claim that his department will ‘stop’ clearing road gullies, as a consequence of cuts, will also draw a hollow laugh from many people right across the province. In a lot of areas these gullies have been full for years, with the result that grass is even growing out of them.”
“The broader point is that, right across the Stormont Executive, there has been a litany of waste and taxpayers’ money squandered. There are countless problems with working practices, over-staffing and lack of efficiency. All ministers should be required to provide better services while cutting the cost for voters. The idea that, rather than set about that work, Danny Kennedy must punish local workers and stop important services is desperately disappointing and plain wrong.”