NI Conservatives’ vice chairman, Trevor Ringland, has said that the voice of the vast majority of pro-Union people has not been heard during the flag dispute.
“We cannot lose sight of the fact that it is a tiny minority which is causing disruption and dominating coverage, while the vast, silent majority is being ignored and forced to suffer”, Trevor observed. “All the pro-Union voters who want to get on with their lives, enjoy good relations with their neighbours and create a shared future for their children, why is their viewpoint not getting aired in the wider discussion about flags and protests?”
“There is certainly a right to peaceful protest, but why are ordinary people the target of disruption? Why are we having operations to make Northern Ireland ‘stand still’ which are aimed at workers going about their daily routine, business owners trying to make a living and everyone who wants to enjoy their leisure time? And is it really accurate to call protests peaceful if they involve intimidation, aggressive chanting or sectarian abuse?”
“NI Conservatives stand for the silent majority who are doing the right thing during the current disruption and getting on with their lives, as best they can. They are becoming increasingly angry and frustrated and their voices need to be heard, as well as those of the more vocal minority. Let’s see an end to disruptive protests, a lasting solution which sees the Union Flag flying on designated days everywhere in Northern Ireland and a return to focussing on pressing issues like creating jobs, fixing the health service and creating a shared future for everyone.”