The Conservatives’ economy spokesman has accused trade unions of “campaigning against progress and prosperity in Northern Ireland”, after a prominent umbrella group announced that it would organise protests against the Stormont House Agreement. Johnny Andrews said that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) “seems determined to keep our economy in the dark ages”.
“The campaign opposing progress in Northern Ireland is outrageous and it demonstrates just how out of touch with ordinary people and wedded to hard-line politics, union leaders have become”, Johnny commented. “The ultimate success of the Stormont House document, produced by David Cameron and Theresa Villiers, depends on the Executive parties’ ability to deliver on their promises. However it is based on absolutely fundamental economic principles, like balancing the budget, providing better services more efficiently and acting to create more jobs in the private sector. It also requires the parties to reduce the financial cost, as well as the broader cost to society, of division in Northern Ireland and it demands a fairer welfare system, which will help people into work and off benefits.”
“The unions are stuck in the past and seem determined to prevent the Executive from being dragged into the real world, when it comes to finance and funding. They seem determined, as well, to prevent a healthy, growing private sector which can create jobs and prosperity for the people of Northern Ireland. Even more shocking, these rallies will be against a document which attempts to tackle segregation, difficulties with the past and other issues which have damaged our society for decades. By protesting against the agreement, the unions have pledged to hold Northern Ireland back and they are setting their faces against progress and prosperity here.”