Sinn Féin’s decision to oppose the passage of the Welfare Reform Bill at Stormont is “irresponsible and inexplicable”, according to the Conservatives’ North Down Westmister candidate, Mark Brotherston.
“Sinn Féin has chosen the flimsiest pretence to plunge the Assembly into a new crisis and put devolved Corporation Tax powers at risk”, Mark said. “This is an attack on Northern Ireland’s economy and an attack on hard-working people’s jobs and livelihoods. Almost before the ink was dry of the Stormont House Agreement, Sinn Féin has been trying to undermine the progress made on welfare reform. Its representatives have been touting outrageous sums of money to top up benefits, which would mean enormous cuts to services like hospitals and schools”.
“Welfare reform is designed to help claimants off benefits and back into work. Sinn Féin, on the other hand, needs people to feel helpless and dependent, for its own selfish political needs. The party is an enemy of social mobility. Not only that, but in putting Corporation Tax lowering powers at risk, their irresponsible decision is likely to cost Northern Ireland badly needed jobs. Sinn Féin might talk about protecting the vulnerable, but actually it is endangering livelihoods, attacking services and putting healthier, happier futures at risk for tens of thousands of people.”