NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Harry Cullen, has dubbed Sammy Wilson “the minister for waste of space”, after another report from the Northern Ireland Audit Office criticised the performance of the Department of Finance.
“The Auditor General’s report into central government’s management of its property portfolio reveals yet another area where Sammy Wilson is not getting to grips with waste within the executive”, Harry explained. “The report makes it clear that tax-payers are not receiving value for money from the government estate.”
“In Northern Ireland central government departments, there is, on average, 50% more floor-space per employee than is required in England. If the Department of Finance’s Property Division were to reduce this figure by 5% per year, it would save an estimated £17 million. The Auditor General also notes that the DfP and other departments are not working together properly to achieve efficiencies.”
“Every NIAO report reveals similar failings: a lack of coordination between executive departments and a lack of ambitious targets to save money. These problems are proliferating under Sammy Wilson’s watch. When will the minister take responsibility to stamp out the culture of waste and inefficiency which his department has overseen?”