Dean Russell, a spokesperson for the NI Conservatives, has urged the Executive to study the government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NNPF), which he said will “simplify planning procedure and enable growth in the economy, while also protecting the environment in England”.
“Greg Clark, the planning minister, has reformed planning regulations, in order to cut through the delays and bureaucracy which hamper economic growth, while ensuring that the beauty of the countryside and England’s natural heritage are protected,” explained Dean. “The resulting document has been welcomed by business organisations, who believe it will help them to create jobs, and by countryside campaigners, who recognise that it safeguards the environment.”
“In Northern Ireland, the environment minister Alex Attwood and his colleagues in the Executive should take note. Our byzantine planning regulations have seen key economic projects tied up in red tape for 10 years or more. Now the government at Westminster has shown that it is possible to devise a process which provides timely decisions for business, but also takes into account the concerns of local communities and a need to protect the countryside.”
“The NNPF strikes a fine balance; making a presumption in favour of ‘sustainable development’, encouraging new building to take place in town centres or on brown-field sites if possible, safeguarding playing fields for communities and protecting greenbelts. It’s high time the Executive started to tackle planning regulations in Northern Ireland which are acting as a brake on our economy. The government has shown that it’s possible to produce a streamlined, thorough system, which is good for business and good for the environment.”