NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has welcomed the fact that the Ulster Solemn League and Covenant centenary parade passed off peacefully and described it as “a day which was enjoyed thoroughly by huge crowds and which was characterised, for the most part, by high spirits and good behaviour”.
“This was a significant day for a great number of people from the British Irish tradition”, Trevor observed. “It attracted enormous crowds onto the streets of Belfast, most of whom had an enjoyable day. The PSNI has confirmed that, largely, the celebrations were marked by respect and good behaviour, and the Orange Order, as well as the vast majority of spectators and bandsmen deserve credit for their conduct. The Parades Commission too contributed to a peaceful day, with its determinations.”
“Unfortunately there were a few incidents which caused concern. These were completely unacceptable and it should be emphasised that there is no excuse for the deliberate provocation of fellow Christians through disrespectful behaviour.”
“This weekend marked National Police Memorial Day as well as the Covenant anniversary. As a former member of the policing board, and the son of grandson of police officers, I am acutely aware that the decade whose centenary we’re currently commemorating, saw the death of 500 officers from the Royal Irish Constabulary on top of the serving police officers who lost their lives since the formation of Northern Ireland.”
“That was down to a failure of relationships in Ireland and across these islands. We must ensure that we don’t repeat the same mistakes. Strengthening our current relationships should always be the priority, as we remember and reflect upon events in the past. Let’s continue to work hard to make sure acts of disrespect play no part in celebrating aspects of our history and culture.”