Judge Smithwick, who led a tribunal into the murders of two RUC officers by the IRA, should be “commended for a doing a thorough, challenging job”, according to NI Conservatives’ co-chair, Trevor Ringland. The Smithwick Tribunal report found evidence that a Garda mole colluded with terrorists and helped them kill Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan, in 1989.
“Judge Smithwick has reached uncomfortable conclusions, which will satisfy most observers that collusion did take place in this instance”, Trevor explained. “The great majority of Garda in the Republic of Ireland will feel desperately let down by the fact that a colleague helped the IRA. Where members of the security forces, on either side of the border, broke the law, they should be condemned without reservation.”
“Like members of the RUC, we shouldn’t forget that the Republic’s officers, for the most part, did a great deal to protect life during the Troubles and worked together toward that end. Some of them paid the ultimate sacrifice. The relationships between the two police forces on this island continue to improve and, across both jurisdictions, we are lucky to have so many professionals dedicated to our service and our safety. Continued close cooperation between the PSNI and an Garda Siochana is vital for the security of our island.”