NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has said that the Maze controversy illustrates the importance of compiling an independent archive of the hurt and sorrow caused by the Troubles.
“Whether or not you think the Maze is an appropriate place to tell them, the very many stories of those who suffered in the Troubles should be told”, Trevor argued. “It is important, though, that any account is balanced and reflects the fact that the vast, silent majority of people in Northern Ireland were utterly opposed to violence for allegedly political ends and attempted to get on with their lives as best they could, while a tiny, unrepresentative minority were intent upon dragging our society into conflict and terror.”
“We believe that an archive should be established, along the lines of the book Lost Lives, dedicated to uncovering as much information as possible about those who lost their lives in the Troubles. The facility should be open to the public to explore, including school groups and academics. The archive could chart not just the violent incidents themselves, but the collateral damage caused to families, children and communities.”
“The business of forensic truth and justice can be left to politicians and the legal system. The best way to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past is to reflect upon the hurt they caused, openly and seriously. That means allowing everyone’s story to be told, but ensuring that the vast, peaceful minority are not allowed to go voiceless.”