NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has suggested that young people who become involved in sectarian violence or anti-social behaviour could be given the option to attend ‘boot camps’, rather than acquire a criminal record.
“If we look at the violence in Belfast over the past year, young people have become involved and we need to think about radical solutions, otherwise we’re storing up problems for our future”, Trevor commented. “Perhaps, in some cases, the most productive response would be to get these kids into some kind of ‘boot camp’, where they can put something back into society and also, potentially, meet similar young people from across the community.”
“In the late 60s youngsters became involved in violence which blighted their lives as well as those of many others. The last thing we want is to see history repeat itself through poor leadership and a failure to intervene. There’s no reason why such a scheme could not be an alternative to acquiring a criminal record, when young people are coming into contact with the justice system for the first time. They could choose to do a spell at ‘boot camp’, working hard, learning self-discipline and even building up more skills, rather than receive charges”.
“We have a number of serious problems in Northern Ireland in terms of giving our young people a hopeful future and these problems are often related. Whether it is divided communities and sectarianism, a lack of opportunities in the job market or educational underachievement and a shortage of skills, we really must start thinking creatively. Giving an alternative to young people who are about to come into conflict with the justice system is an opportunity to intervene, give some tough love and improve their prospects.”