NI Conservatives’ regional development spokesman, Brian McBride, has criticised the timing of major road works for the A2 road between Bangor and Belfast, which are due to start on 2nd September.
“Back in May, the roads minister, Danny Kennedy, congratulated himself on announcing resurfacing work to the A2”, Brian noted. “What he didn’t mention was that he had scheduled the scheme to start on the day after schools come back from their summer holidays, just when the road is at its busiest!”
“This lack of thought and planning will condemn motorists to 7 weeks of delays and disruption. Why on earth wasn’t this work undertaken in July and August, when traffic on the A2 would have been at a minimum? This is exactly the sort of decision which, quite justifiably, enrages drivers. Mr Kennedy has condemned them to 7 weeks of unnecessary misery, which could have been avoided with some thought and consideration.”