Annika Nestius-Brown, spokesperson for the Northern Ireland Conservatives, has criticised the lack of progress toward an integrated education system, which the First Minister claimed could be achieved within an Assembly term, last March. Annika also questioned the sincerity of the DUP’s commitment to shared education.
“It’s interesting, though sadly unsurprising, that no progress has been made toward integrating education, since the DUP leader made a speech in favour of shared schools almost a year ago. This lack of follow-through exposes Peter Robinson’s comments as a tactical ruse, rather than a serious commitment.”
“If the First Minister were serious, his party and OFMDFM would already be working with the Department of Education and consulting across the different school sectors in Northern Ireland. In order to make a genuine push toward a ‘truly integrated education system’, a major consultation must take place, examining how multi faith schools can best be implemented.”
“It should study the various instances of campus and curriculum sharing, which are already taking place in many schools across Northern Ireland. It should look at ways of providing involvement for the Catholic clergy and representatives from other religions in the governance of state schools, so we can move towards a system which is genuinely representative of pupils and parents from all faiths and none. Similarly, it should work with the CCMS, to see how the same process could open up schools which are currently in the Catholic Maintained sector. It should also examine the experience of integrated schools, which are already successfully providing a shared environment.”
“There is so much work to do and it is deeply disappointing that Mr Robinson has not taken the initiative to get it started. The new Northern Ireland Conservative party will have a positive and sustained commitment to get children from all faiths and none learning together in the best schools Northern Ireland has to offer, which is very much at odds with the First Minister’s vague words.”