NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has suggested that the Union Flag at Belfast City Hall should fly on designated days, while the Northern Ireland flag could take its place for the rest of the year.
“This discussion has become increasingly divisive and it is important to find a solution”, Trevor observed. “Northern Ireland’s status as part of the United Kingdom is settled for the foreseeable future and flying the Union Flag on designated days is entirely appropriate, to reflect our constitutional position.”
“That’s what happens in many other parts of the UK and it’s a fitting way to mark occasions such as the Queen’s birthday, Remembrance Day and St Patrick’s Day. Perhaps, though, we should fly the Northern Ireland flag on other occasions, to emphasise our pride in this region, which we all love. Whatever our constitutional aspirations for the future, it is absolutely necessary for all of us to get behind Northern Ireland fully, and sell this place to the world.”