NI Conservatives’ regional development spokesman, Bill Manwaring, has welcomed the Confederation of British Industry’s call for money tied up in the stalled A5 project to be spent on other roads improvements projects.
“NI Conservatives have been saying for some time that the A5 monies must be reallocated, in order to create jobs in the construction industry and provide lasting benefits to Northern Ireland’s economy”, Bill emphasised. “It’s the commonsense thing to do and it’s refreshing to hear the CBI weighing in on our side, saying the same thing and using the same arguments.”
“It is scandalous that the A5 project has been allowed to tie up £330 million while construction jobs continue to be lost. The A6 between Belfast and Londonderry is an obvious example of a road which needs improvements drastically and could deliver far more profound benefits to our economy. It is possible to drive from Belfast to Cork on great roads, without interruption, while the much shorter journey between Northern Ireland’s two major cities is plagued by snarl-ups and accident black spots.”
“We’ve also highlighted previously a deadly stretch of the A26 between Glarryford and Ballycastle as an example of a road where improvements are needed, to create jobs and save lives. Let’s finally see the executive put the money it is provided by the Westminster government to effective use, for the people of Northern Ireland. Currently there is a culture of indecision and inaction at Stormont which is costing jobs and holding back the economy.”