Minister Danny Kennedy’s failure to tackle inefficiency at the Department of Regional Development is “irresponsible”, according to the Conservatives’ economy spokesman, Johnny Andrews.
“As soon as Mr Kennedy was asked to make savings he started to hack back essential services immediately”, Johnny explained. “The first cuts were to hard-working private contractors, clearing road gullies and other jobs. Now the minister is threatening to leave roads icy during the winter months, rather than confront waste and start reforming DRD. Right across government departments, there are too many inefficient working practices and far too much bureaucracy. Yet, it’s always the Executive’s instinct to hit the people providing front-line services first.”
“All Danny Kennedy’s bluster and alarmism serves only to highlight that he hasn’t been tackling waste in his department. The Stormont Executive continues to squander taxpayers’ money, while ministers stop essential services for the people of Northern Ireland. We’re calling upon them to stop taking the easy option, stop pandering to well-paid union bosses and start tackling the hard-work of public sector reform, which will secure the best services, for the best value for money for people in Northern Ireland.”