NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Trevor Ringland, has appealed to communities and parents to prevent young people falling prey to the influence of paramilitaries.
“It is hugely disappointing that the disgraceful violence and the attacks on police in east Belfast have continued”, Trevor said. “One of the most worrying aspects of the trouble is the involvement of children and young people.”
“It’s clear that there needs to be robust action on rioters, but we certainly don’t want to be in the position where we criminalise an entire group of youngsters. While firm action should be taken on those involved, the opportunity must also be grasped to intervene and divert them away from the path that some seem intent on taking them.”
“There is a heavy responsibility on parents, communities and the Children’s Commissioner to take action to prevent paramilitaries getting their hands on young people and misleading them. We need to find ways to exclude adults who are dragging our children into violence from hanging around them.“
“Let’s make sure there are intervention programmes to interact with young people and keep them away from trouble. Far too many over the years have ended up in prison, or even dead, because they’ve been led down the futile paths of violence and paramilitarism.”