The Conservatives have welcomed the announcement that unemployment figures have improved but said the Stormont Executive is ‘more of a hindrance than a help.’
Johnny Andrews, NI Conservatives’ economy spokesman commented:
“The latest monthly decrease in Northern Ireland claimants (2.6%) was lower than the UK decrease (3.2%). Over the year, Northern Ireland’s claimant count has decreased by 15.5% (9,700), compared to a decrease of 29.5% in the UK. The annual decrease in Northern Ireland was the lowest among all 12 UK regions.”
“So while the UK recovery has strengthened we continue to struggle. The dysfunctional Executive is actually holding us back.”
“The Conservative led Coalition has cut Corporation Tax and National Insurance and increased income tax allowances – all as part of our long term economic plan. This has boosted both the GB and NI economies. What exactly has the Executive delivered for the economy? Ministers talk about helping the private sector but what have they done other than stagger from one row to the next?”
Mr Andrews also noted that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney says the coalition's benefits reforms are linked to the sharp fall in unemployment in GB.
“Meanwhile here in Northern Ireland Sinn Fein continues to block welfare reform, meaning that people remain in poverty and on the dole. The Executive must make a decision and do it now. Do they want to follow the successful reform in GB or continue the existing system which will cost a fortune and do nothing to help people into work? Most importantly they must stop pretending that the decision is for anyone else other than the NI Executive.”