NI Conservatives’ agriculture spokesman, Paul Leeman, has expressed concern about the continued financial pressures on farmers, but said government’s ‘Groceries Code Adjudicator’ should improve the situation.
“It’s deeply worrying that the number of bankrupt farms has tripled over the past 10 years in Northern Ireland”, Paul conceded. “Part of the problem is that retailers, particularly the supermarkets, have put the squeeze on suppliers, in order to maximise their profits and keep prices down.”
“The government is acting to relieve the pressure on farmers by creating a ‘Groceries Code Adjudicator’ to act as a go-between between supermarkets and producers. This will insure that large retailers treat farmers fairly. The adjudicator will arbitrate disputes, investigate confidential complaints about unfair treatment and it will have powers to fine and name and shame retailers who do not play by the rules.”
“This is a measure which farmers are crying out for and the government is responding to their concerns with this vital bill.”