NI Conservatives’ co-chair, Trevor Ringland, described comments about the Irish language by Belfast County Grand Master, George Chittick, as ‘profoundly ignorant’. Mr Chittick advised Protestants not to learn the language, as it formed part of a “Republican agenda”.
“The Orange Order should be commended for distancing itself from these comments, which were unnecessary and profoundly ignorant”, Trevor noted. “I’ve no doubt that George Chittick’s view is not representative of most pro-Union people. The United Kingdom is a diverse, multi-national state, which spans various languages and cultures, of which Irish is an important one.”
“When influential people make remarks like those of the Grand Master, it does more to further the ‘republican agenda’ than any number of Irish language classes. Initiatives to take back Irish from republican politicians are actually extremely constructive. It’s time we heard more from people who genuinely believe in the UK, believe in the core principles of the UK and less from those who behave more like Ulster nationalists.”