Irwin Armstrong, the Northern Ireland Conservatives’ chairman, has welcomed the First Minister’s “apparent conversion to the Conservative message on the economy” and urged the Finance Minister to “embrace a similarly realistic outlook”.
“I was encouraged to read Peter Robinson’s latest comments, delivered in a speech to chartered accountants in Dublin”, Irwin commented. “The First Minister noted the importance of ‘difficult, long term measures’ to combat national debt. He also acknowledged that the UK government has ‘insulated’ Northern Ireland from the worst effects of spending cuts and that we rely far too much on public sector employment.”
“Robinson’s realistic outlook and his support for lower Corporation Tax as a key driver of economic growth are at odds with some of his previous statements and they are in stark contrast with the views expressed by his Finance Minister. Sammy Wilson’s latest thoughts on business tax, and his obsession with the effect to the block grant of any cut, demonstrates an unhealthy fixation with the public sector to the detriment of private jobs and investment.”
“So which is the real DUP economic policy?” Irwin asked. “Is it Robinson’s positive view of Corporation Tax cuts or is it Wilson’s obsession with keeping money in the hands of government? Is it Robinson’s goal of growing the private sector or is it Wilson’s preference for a state run economy? Have we been insulated from spending cuts or is the government picking on Northern Ireland?”
“Hopefully the First Minister will introduce his colleague at the department of finance to this new, sane analysis of our economic problems. Unless, of course, the DUP saves a sensible message for clued up accountants in Dublin yet treats voters in Northern Ireland to garbled, populist nonsense. Because that would be to treat the electorate with complete contempt.”