NI Conservatives’ spokesperson, Lesley Macaulay, has accused the executive of ignoring increased demand from parents for integrating education.
“The latest polls show that 79% of parents would like their children to be educated at schools which allow them to work, play and socialise across divided communities”, Lesley commented. “Yet the department of education, the minister and the executive are not providing support for integrated schools which are struggling to keep up with demand, they’re not taking steps to lessen division in other schools and they’re not giving the integrated sector more of a say in how education here is governed.”
“NI Conservatives believe that parents should be in charge of the type of education which is delivered to their children. That means giving integrated schools every encouragement to fulfill demand and giving them the influence in the department of education which they deserve. It also means giving schools in all sectors incentives to make education a more shared experience across communities.”
“People in Northern Ireland have been absolutely clear that they don’t believe children should be segregated along religious or political lines from as young as 4 years old. So far the executive has ignored their demands. It’s time for the politicians to catch up and start encouraging the shared schools which parents across Northern Ireland are crying out for.”