The Conservative PPC for North Down has expressed “disappointment and bemusement”, as the new North Down and Ards ‘super council’ chose to call itself East Coast Borough Council.
“The new name says very little to me about the identity or traditions of the area”, Mark commented. “In fact, in terms of marketing North Down for tourism and business, an anonymous title like this is exceptionally disappointing. It’s a pretty poor start, when the new council cannot even come up with a decent name for itself. I’d like to know what consultation took place with ratepayers in the borough.”
“I understand that there are sensitivities whenever two councils merge, but what was wrong with ‘North Down & Ards Borough Council’. It is a simple statement of identity and geography. In contrast, East Coast feels contrived and I doubt whether voters in either of the old council areas will feel much connection to the new name. Larne is on the east coast, Ardglass is on the east coast. Comber or Killyleagh are hardly on the east coast. Councillors from North Down should have fought harder to protect the area's identity, in the new council title.”