A vote for the DUP in the forthcoming General Election risks “putting Ed Miliband in Number 10 Downing Street and allowing Labour to wreck the economy again”, according to the Conservatives’ East Belfast PPC, Neil Wilson. Neil spoke after the Democratic Unionists’ Westminster leader, Nigel Dodds, said that his party could do a deal with Labour and praised Ed Miliband’s economic policies, in an interview in the New Statesman magazine.
“This is the most important election in a generation and people in Northern Ireland have a right to know that a vote for the DUP could help Ed Miliband become the Prime Minister and Ed Balls become the chancellor again”, Neil explained. “The only way to ensure that the economy keeps recovering, employment keeps rising and David Cameron remains at No. 10, is to vote for your local Conservative candidate. In Northern Ireland, Conservative policies have given 670,000 people an income tax cut, lifted 89,000 people out of tax altogether, created over 40,000 extra private sector jobs, cancelled Labour’s fuel duty rises - saving motorists £360 per year - and boosted business by delivering powers to cut Corporation Tax to the Northern Ireland Assembly. All of the other parties in Northern Ireland consistently miss the bigger picture, despite the fact that people’s jobs and futures are on the line.”
“It was only back in 2010 that Labour was in power and they crashed the economy, condemned millions of people to the dole and ran up a debt equivalent to that of Greece. It’s taken five years of hard work for Conservatives to clear up that mess. It is crazy that Nigel Dodds and his colleagues would consider risking all that progress and helping the chancellor who presided over so much chaos, Ed Balls, back into power. That’s a sign of the DUP’s short-sightedness, their selfishness and their political opportunism. I’d urge people in Northern Ireland not to take any risks with their livelihoods, ignore the parochial parties and vote Conservative in May.”