Edwin Poots should either pay up the money he has cost taxpayers by prompting court cases on gay people giving blood and adopting, or resign from his post as health minister, according to NI Conservatives’ spokesperson, Lesley Macaulay.
“Mr Poots has spent more than £100,000 of public funds having his personal prejudices tested in court”, Lesley commented. “The latest is his failed attempt to challenge the Court of Appeal’s decision that civil partners in Northern Ireland should be able to adopt children. The Supreme Court has found that there are no grounds to hear that appeal.”
“The health minister also interfered in a medical decision over whether gay men could donate blood. The judge was right to describe that policy as ‘irrational’ and it is absolutely outrageous that Mr Poots thinks it is within is remit to override expert opinion and interfere in medical decisions.”
“It is extremely serious that the health minister has wasted a substantial sum of taxpayers’ money, in order to air his prejudices through the legal system. Edwin Poots should either reimburse the public purse with the money he has wasted or resign from his position immediately.”