NI Conservatives’ spokesman, Mark Brotherston, has described the chancellor’s budget statement, delivered today at the House of Commons, as “good news for Northern Ireland, good news for hard-working people and a blueprint to ensure that the UK’s economy stays resilient”.
“The Conservative led government has turned the economy around and now it is concentrating on putting it on a sound footing for the future”, Mark explained. “The chancellor’s statement contained some brilliant news for Northern Ireland, especially the announcement that we will have our first enterprise zone, in Coleraine. It will mean more jobs, more investment and a boost for the area. It’s something the executive should have been implementing some time ago, when the government first provided funds for the purpose and hopefully it will act as a precedent for more zones to be rolled out, across Northern Ireland, in the future.”
“The budget provides support for hard-working families and lifts more people out of tax altogether, by raising the personal allowance by a further £500, to £10,500. That’s 89,000 people who will not be paying any tax, because of action the chancellor has taken since 2010. It benefits savers, by allowing them to save up to £15,000, cash free, in an ISA. And businesses will be encouraged to invest, with the Annual Investment Allowance doubled until the end of 2015.”
“The government is focussed on long term prosperity and the budget reflects that. It’s a good plan for jobs, savers and older people. The economy is improving across the UK and Northern Ireland is benefiting from that. Unfortunately, though, Northern Ireland is still lagging behind when it comes to employment and growth, thanks to inaction by politicians at Stormont. The budget is further proof that Conservatives are leading on the economy, while the executive is letting people here down.”