The Conservative Party are delighted to invite you to a Life Sciences lunch at
Deane’s at Queens, 1 College Gardens
Thursday 5th February 2015 at 12.30pm
The Guest Speaker will be
George Freeman MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences
George Freeman MP was appointed as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department of Health on 15 July 2014.
Following his election to Parliament in 2010, George served as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Climate Change. He was appointed Government Adviser on Life Sciences in July 2011, working closely with the Department of Health and coordinating the Government’s Life Science and Innovation, Health and Wealth Strategies (2011), and the Agri-Tech Industrial Strategy (2013). Following that, he was appointed to the post of Prime Minister’s UK Trade Envoy.
Before being elected to Parliament, George had a 15 year career across the life sciences sector. In particular, he worked with hospitals, clinical researchers, patient groups, biomedical research companies - to pioneer novel healthcare innovations.
I thought that you might be interested to hear about the approach of the UK government to the Life Sciences sector directly from the Minister who combines a unique role and personal practical experience.
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences role is shared between the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Health (DH). The minister is responsible for life sciences and NHS innovation, including:
•life sciences strategy
•life sciences regulation, medicines and industry engagement
•NHS innovation
•NHS research and development
•genomics and genetics
•regenerative medicine
•Healthcare UK
•Health Research Authority
The minister’s mission is to make the UK the best place in the world to discover and develop 21st Century healthcare innovations.
I do hope you are able to join us.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Johnston
(Vice Chairman Political)
To book a place on line please visit
Alternatively complete the form below and return it to:
The Conservative Party, 60 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7BB
I will /will not be able to attend the Life Sciences lunch at Deane’s on 5th February
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Please reserve me ___ places at £40 each
(Please make all cheques payable to ‘NI Conservatives’)
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