Strangford Conservative Association
Business Breakfast
With Guest Speaker
Dr James Dingley, BSc (Hons), MA, M Phil, PhD, PGCE
Chairman of the Francis Hutcheson Institute
Strangford Arms Hotel
Saturday 10 March 2012 | 8.30 for 9.00 am
Tickets £10
Best known today as the ‘Father of the Scottish Enlightenment’, Francis Hutcheson was born and raised in Co Down, Ulster, where he was educated in local Dissenting Academies before reading for his degree in Glasgow. After returning to Ulster and then Dublin as a Presbyterian Minister and Moral Philosopher, Francis Hutcheson be-came Professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University in 1730. There he be-came an important influence on David Hume and Adam Ferguson and inspired Adam Smith (whilst teaching Smith economics). His writing went on to influence most of the major philosophers of Europe, from Kant to Voltaire.
Of greatest significance is the Enlightenment tradition Hutcheson helped to formulate in the modern English speaking world, influencing the political ideals of liberal democracy and the rights of the individual behind both the American Revolu-tion and the United Irishmen. His ideas were fundamental in the economic, social and political development of modern Britain and especially in influencing the devel-opment of utilitarian ideas, such as the greatest happiness to the greatest number.
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Register by emailing [email protected] or calling the Conservative Party Office on 028 9185 9073.
Limited places. Registration closes on Monday 5 March 2012